Wednesday, April 15, 2015


There are things that make you go - WHAT THE HELL MAN! One of those is Twitter. First off, what's it good for? Typing in random things and hoping somebody reads it with a word limit? I can do that on here. Hell, I can write stuff on pieces of paper and run down the street releasing them at random points and hope people pick them up and read them then come to my house and give me comments written on a different pieces of paper and maybe a buck just cause they can. Also, why do people follow you, then, after you click, follow back, they unfollow you making you search through the three thousand pages of followings to find that one person who unfollowed you? Quit it!!! Don't do that!!! I mean, I suck at Twitter. I use it to post my blogs to, sometimes I write stuff like HELLO WORLD! But otherwise...

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